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Gray Wolf Island Spoiler Free Review!🐺

Title: Gray Wolf Island

Author: Tracey Neithercott

Page Count: 366 pgs.

Genre: Adventure, Mystery, Fantasy, Young Adult, Magical Realism

Published: October 10, 2017

Trigger Warnings: Death, Murder, Verbal Abuse.

Hello Unicorns It’s me, Lori! I’ve actually been reading a ton, but been procrastinating heavily on writing the reviews oops. SORRY LOVES! Expect a review of WARCROSS, CHILDREN OF BLOOD AND BONE, REIGN OF THE FALLEN, & NYXIA! (A bunch of reviews I know lol).



Right before Sadie died, she begged her sister, Ruby, to do the one thing she could never do herself: Find the treasure on Gray Wolf Island.

With just a mysterious treasure map as a guide, Ruby reluctantly allows some friends to join her on the hunt, each of whom is touched by magic: a boy allegedly born to a virgin, a girl who never sleeps, a boy who can foresee his own death, and a boy with deep ties to the island. Each of them is also keeping a secret–something they’ll have to reveal in order to reach the treasure.

As the secrets come to light, Ruby will have to decide: Can she make peace with her friends’ troubled pasts and continue to trust them? Can she forgive herself for doing the unspeakable? Deep in the wilderness of Gray Wolf Island, Ruby’s choices will determine if they make it out with the treasure–or merely with their lives.

From debut author Tracey Neithercott comes a darkly compelling tale of profound friendship, adventure, and finding the strength to tell the truth.

“Can you really know someone without knowing the one horrible thing that defines who they are or who they become?”

– Gray Wolf Island, Tracey Neithercott


This book has been filled with pure adventure, the cutest friendships, & many secrets amongst themselves. Before the desire to scour Gray Wolf Island, these teenagers who never hung out before become friends and never once wanted to keep the treasure for greedy or selfish reasons, but to share it amongst themselves. Which I thought is completely rare and genuinely sweet to see instead of what I expected would be full of a common trope of betrayal, but wasn’t. It was quite refreshing & filled with pure intentions.

When reading I wish these amazing characters that made me laugh would come out of the pages to become my friends. Each character offered a unique skill to help discover treasure on the island. I fell in love with every character and a few characters were added to my never ending list of book boyfriends. (You can never have to much haha). Throughout the novel it made me experience SO many emotions AH. Every time you finish a chapter it will leave you wanting more.

Are you ready to uncover the secrets and discover what lies on Gray Wolf Island? Gray Wolf Island awaits…

My rating is….

4.7/5 stars


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Tracey Neithercott’s first book was written by hand and illustrated with some really fancy colored pencils. It was highly acclaimed by her mother. Now she spends her days as a magazine editor and her nights writing stories about friendship, love, murder, and magic. (None of which she illustrates—you’re welcome.) She lives in Massachusetts with her husband, who suggests improving her novels by adding lightsabers.


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Lori’s QOTD: If you found treasure such as jewels that cost millions, what would you buy it with or give it to?

Comment Below!👇

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