Book Blogger · Bookish Tips

Tips To Read Books You Love For Low Or No Cost!

Hello Beautiful humans, it’s Lori here!☺️
Haven’t you always wanted to read specific books, but can’t afford them? Well I completely understand the urge to read books, and not having money or transportation to go. Therefore, I wanted to inform you about the couple of tips I read new anticipated novels or ones I’ve always wanted to read, and never got the chance to.
Here are a few:
1. OverDrive

Overdrive is an app designed for fellow readers like yourself, to have access your local library online completely free! The only item necessary is your library card, and once you’ve attained your pin then, login into the app. Boom! You have access to the entire collection of books your local library owns. You can read on Ebook form, Audiobook, or borrow movies/videos within an app on any device. Which can be useful when you’re on the go! Once you’ve logged in, you can search books you want to read, and if it’s a highly demanded book, then you’d be on a waiting list. (I know it may suck, but it’s totally worth the wait. Besides there are more undiscovered books out there!) “But Lori I logged in and my library doesn’t have it!” I say, don’t worry! If your local library doesn’t own the book you wanted in their collection, then you could recommend the title to them too! 

The cool thing is that you can be signed into multiple libraries at a time, but only if you have multiple library cards for each.

Overdrive has personally saved me from boredom, long trips, money or catching up on your reading goal! I’ve always wanted to tell fellow book friends about this life saving app, and now I have! Hopefully I helped you. Enjoy!

2. Giveaways

I know this may be obvious, but I wanted to add it. Authors, Publishing Houses, and even fellow readers/bloggers host giveaways. Giveaways are mostly hosted on social media accounts such as Instagram, Twitter, Word Press, Youtube etc. 

*Just a reminder before you start or continue entering giveaways is, Goodluck and it is possible to win giveaways!* 

3. Being a book blogger    

Being a book blogger can have several advantages, and one of them is receiving free copies of books. Book bloggers can ask Publishing Companies to send them a copy in exchange for an honest review. The majority of the time it’s an Advanced Reader copies, signed ones or both! Or publishing companies can contact bloggers to review a certain title. Receiving books can also be sent directly from the author or their agents too! 

 *Reminder*: Don’t be afraid to ask publishers, authors or agents for a copy of a book. What’s the worst that can happen, being rejected? At least you tried, and won’t think endlessly about what could’ve happened if you would’ve emailed sooner. 

4. Your friendly Local Library 

This is also another obvious answer, but useful since library cards are FREE, and the environment is incredibly peaceful. I suggest local libraries so you could borrow books without buying them. You could possibly read a book, then love it since you read a copy of it at the library.

5. Trading books 

Trading books with other people can be a good outcome for both people, especially if you both wanted certain copies. Occasionally shipping is approximately around $1-5, and more expensive if it’s international. Hopefully you have a trading buddy. Happy Trading!

6. Local Bookstores 

Even local bookstores are guaranteed to have low prices on used books. Many books I buy are store credit because I’d sell my copies. However you prefer, as long as you’d be satisfied. 

Hopefully any tips I mentioned were helpful for you. If I missed any, feel free to comment below to help fellow readers! 
Have a majestic day loves!

Best Wishes, Lori🦄✨

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